As we get closer to SkegEx 15, the new sets are starting to appear on the internet. This is good news as we get to see the beginning of what is going to become the new range of sets. However, be very careful about ordering from these
early birds as some of the prices being quoited are far in excess of the expected selling price. These models are not due for release immediately and none of the retailers, at the date of writing, are showing any stock at all yet.
But just to get a taste of what is going to be available here are some of the models we can expect to see in the shops very soon. We are expecting to receive some advance samples and prototypes here at
Laughton Towers this week. As soon as we do we will post some of our own pictures and observations. We hope to be able to bring lots of new product to SkegEx at the beginning of July.
For now here are some of Meccano's official media pictures of the new models and the all new packaging. The first image is of the new Tower Crane. This set is packed with features including three geared motors and a programmable controller. Several changes have been made to this model since we first saw it at the London Toy fair back in January. The new battery boxes have been enlarged and reworked so the batteries can be replaced easier, The controller is evident in the background and the new thrust bearing parts now appear to be finished in black.
Look Mum, it's a crane -Click on the image to enlarge it! |
Now, looking at the other end of the scale the single models have changed slightly with a couple of new models. The first is interesting as it incorporates the re-introduction of the small ' rubber' ring, intended to fit the ½ inch pulley.
A mini Chopper but look at the front tyre... |
As well as the Chopper the Quad Bike is also added to the range - it seems the tractor has disappeared from the range, although the group picture shows five models and these are usually sold in sets of four...Hmmm...
The over re-touched quad bike |
The picture of the quad bike is so over re-touched that it looks more like an illustration but I assure you it exists, I saw it at the Toy Fair back in January. Of all the models we like this one the best and are please to see it introduced to the range.
No Tractor but this picture shows five... |
...and there are five models in the shop display unit |
We like these little pocket-money models. The all zinc parts idea is rather appealing, just like the Nano kits of a few years ago. They are also useful for their small parts, especially those small tyres and formed plates. The availability of modern zinc parts is most welcome, but we might be bias.
A feast of zinc ¼ inch geometry parts |
The new Eiffel Tower looks interesting. Even more zinc parts available on the High Street! This set, along with the already available Tower bridge set, will certainly find favour among the new part fans. It also looks like it would keep the builder busy for a few hours! The new Empire State Building is a new version of the old 'Landmarks' series model. This time the main infill is made from flexible plates instead of the sought-after flat girders. A shame, but the original model has been reintroduced recently, and if you particularly want one get in quick as I can't see them lasting too long now there is a new kid on the block!
The re-worked Empire State Building |
Getting back to the less 'exotic', but none the less interesting sets, there are some more offerings in the style of the old Multimodels sets. The New sets that were released in the spring of this year have been re-boxed and a 15, 20 and 25 model set have been introduced to compliment the others. It is interesting that the box-art for the 10 model set has also changed from the jet fighter to the flying wing.
All the new sets will carry the new box design. The segregation between Multimodels and Evolution has gone as can be seen, by the re-boxing of the old Evolution 4x4 set, below.
Lots of new and exciting models are shown on the boxes and there are some new parts, notably the new cone shape in the Space Quest set and there is a Meccanoid-looking plastic flanged part also included in the space set and Mountain Rally set. New wheels and tyres look interesting.
We all know about Meccanoid G15 KS and his little mate the G15 but now we get to see the box, at least for the little guy, for the first time.
There are lots more images starting to appear on-line from various retailers and I am sure more will appear over the coming weeks. All the pictures in this post are Meccano publicity shots. most of the model shots have been enhanced to be used as box-art and can look a bit false. as soon as we get hands on the real thing - hopefully within the next few days, we will photograph them here and show you them first hand. There are more models to show like the attack helicopter, but I will wait until we get the models in our hands...
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