Jet lagged and grumpy, Meccanoid G15 KS has arrived, partially dismantled and in need of some power he is looking rather forlorn surrounded in packing material. Ten minutes on the bench and he is up and running, with a bit of a shock - He has an English Accent for the UK market! He is also sporting the final release colours. You may have noticed that in the various pictures and videos we have shown, he appears dressed in different colours. This, I am assured, is the production colour scheme.
This is the G15 KS as he will appear here in the UK |
This is the first non-retouched photograph that I have been able to publish as this one is of the Meccanoid we received yesterday. I can see why all the press photographs have been so highly airbrushed! We have set him going and tried out the basics without any eternal input. He has a fair sized repertoire of pre loaded programming including some of the worst jokes you have ever heard! I am sure the kids will love them. If you don't laugh, he gets upset saying thing like "Oh well, try another" or "I guarantee you will laugh at this one" If you do laugh he joins in with the excitement.
At 4ft tall he is impressive and really is KS (Kid-Size). Once we have had a chance to get to know him a bit better we will show you some more. If you want to see him in person, he will be making a three-day appearance at SkegEx 15 next weekend, 3rd-5th July. More details and our live SkegEx 15 bolg can be found
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