Sunday, 2 February 2014

Is this Evolution?

Today at the RMG meeting, Our good friend, Colin Bull, was showing of his latest creations.  Among the assembled models one stood out; an eight wheeled Crane lorry built in orange Evolution and traditional parts. A fusion model, just what I was blogging about a few days ago! As I did not have a camera with me (Can you believe I forgot it!) I press-ganged Bob Palmer into taking a few shots of this very nice little model for me...

Just arrived on site!
Colin's model is based on the Evolution crane truck but it has been extended and modified to give it four wheel steering.

Cab detail
The cab follows the lines of the original model with the usual 'corrections'. Colin has resolved the seat/steering wheel clash by setting the seats lower.

Ready and working
The boom ram has been relocated to give more lift than the original. This is something Les Megget did on his 'standard' model to improve the look.

Fabricated engine covers
Top view of the business end with improved cab  and engine cover detail. I do like that black and orange colour scheme...

Finally a view of the underside showing the steering detail. I am sure this subject is going to run and run. Detailing this model has so much potential, until today it had not occurred to me to build one in orange!


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