Saturday, 30 November 2013

Johnny Jr., Meccanoboy, artist!

Sue, Smokie and me by Johnney Jr.
There is a young lad in Australia who is a very keen and competent Meccano builder. Johnney Jr. and his dad John (of course!) build Meccano models together and are having a great time developing their skills.  Recently, we supplied John with some parts for a Ferris wheel he and Jr. have been building. Johnny Jr. had been admiring our drifts, with "the piece on the end" . As we have a few spares we sent one to Johnny Jr.

Johnny's letter
In return we received a very nice, hand written letter with a drawing of our avatar model that we feature on our websites and display at all the shows we attend. The avatar my well have extra features added depending on event or the time of the year. At the moment we are displayed along with a model of a small cat that reminds us of out Meccano-loving cat Smokie. Not only is Johnny Jr. a keen meccanoboy he is also a budding artist! The letter and drawing now adorns the wall of our office/Meccano room. Click on the letter to enlarge it...

It made our day when Johnny's letter arrived.

You can catch up with johnny Jr. and his Dad on the Rust Bucket forum where you will find all sorts of interesting chat about Meccano. To register on the Rust Bucket forum, click HERE. You will also find me and Sue hanging about there too!


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